St John of God Subiaco Hospital recently farewelled retiring general physician Associate Professor David Watson after 45 years of service.
SJOG Subiaco has confirmed plans for an emergency department are still on the table. A proposed expansion, which includes a new clinical block, has capacity for an ED to cater for future demand. Plans are with the State Development Assessment Unit.
Dr Zoe Bradfield from Curtin University’s School of Nursing will lead a clinical trial offering first-time mothers melatonin tablets in a bid to reduce rates of induced labour. It is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Medical Research Future Fund.
The MRFF has also allocated $5m to Perth-led research trying to solve the genetic mystery that causes rare conditions. UWA’s Associate Professor Gina Ravenscroft at the Perkins Institute will lead teams from nine universities and institutes.
Finalists in the 2023 HESTA Australian Nursing and Midwifery Awards include Richmond Wellbeing’s MH Connext, which supports people in mental distress. Specialised mental health nurses work with GP clinics, and have received more than 1500 referrals from 300 GPs across Perth.
Cancer Council WA has awarded researcher Professor Jenette Creaney $480,000 over four years to look at treatments for people with lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Health Networks’ Cancer Network contribution to cancer information for culturally and linguistically diverse consumers was recognised at the recent WA Multicultural Awards.