Webinar: learn about the Perth-based Raine study

Scheduled for Tuesday, 25th of May, this webinar will provide key insights about Australia’s longest-running public health study.

The Raine Study is Australia’s longest-running public health study, and one of the world’s most comprehensive multi-generational cohort studies of pregnancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

Based in Perth, the Raine study started with a group of 2,900 pregnant women, recruited between 1989 and 1991 (Gen1), and 2,868 live births that were later entered into the cohort (Gen2). These children, their parents, grandparents (Gen0) and now their own children (Gen3) have all been monitored regularly to determine the role that early life events had on their health throughout the years.

There is currently 30 years’ worth of data, all available for any researcher wanting to conduct a study. So far, more than 500 research articles have been published based on Raine data.

This one-hour webinar will dwell into various topics, including:

  • the rich data collected on each Raine Study participant;
  • how the data have been used by researchers world-wide to better understand and improve human health, and quality of life;
  • how you can access the data for your own research.

GPs and any researcher wanting to use this massive dataset are welcome to contact the Raine study team. For more information about how to use data from the Raine study, visit this website.

Webinar Details

Date: Tuesday 25th May 2021

Time: 10:00am – 11:00am AWST

Venue: Online

Registration: https://uwa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JxHpdTEGS_KvNvV3UN1evQ