Research Briefs: February 2020

Title: Fidelity of translation initiation is required for coordinated respiratory complex assembly

A discovery from researchers at the University of WA, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and Curtin University have discovered how gene regulation in mitochondria could assist in identifying targets for drug treatments in energy-based morbidities such as cardiovascular disease.

Title: Bile acid bio-nanoencapsulation improved drug targeted-delivery and pharmacological effects via cellular flux: 6-months diabetes preclinical study

Researchers from Curtin University have created miniscule capsules with bio-nanotechnologies, filled them with bile acids and a lipid-reducing drug to target the liver and pancreas which can reduce the inflammatory effects of type two diabetes.

Title: Decreased Physical Working Capacity in Adolescents With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associates With Reduced Iron Availability

Edith Cowan University researchers have found a correlation between individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and functional iron deficiency. The researchers suggest the iron deficiency could lead to people with NAFLD being physiologically incapable of exercising.

Title: T cell receptor cross-reactivity between gliadin and bacterial peptides in celiac disease

An international team of scientists in conjunction with Monash University and and the Australian Research Council have identified a link between gluten proteins and proteins that are found in some bacteria as a potential environmental risk factor in the development of coeliac disease, suggesting the immune response is the same for bacterial or gluten proteins as they are indistinguishable.