Living with chronic pain

Former Olympian Jenn Morris explains the painful reason why she has become involved in the medicinal cannabis industry. 

Many of us dream of representing our country at the Olympics but few of us realise the risks that go along with the glory and the toll it can take on our bodies.

Jenn Morris

I represented Australia in hockey from 1991 to 2000.  My team won our first gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics 25 years ago and we did it again at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

They are moments I wouldn’t trade for anything but achieving them had long-term effects on my wellbeing.

Hockey is a wonderful but notoriously punishing sport. I had two knee reconstructions during my Olympic career that left me living with chronic pain and often unable to get out of bed.

Throughout my life I have also suffered from endometriosis and I reached a point where I just put up with pain. It became a daily part of my life.

For the past six months, however, I have been using prescribed medicinal cannabis from my GP to manage my chronic pain.

It has made an enormous difference for me, which has led to me becoming more interested in the potential benefits for the huge number of people living with similar conditions.

Despite the anecdotal evidence of the benefits of medicinal cannabis, there is clearly still hesitancy amongst the medical profession on the topic despite the growing demand from the 1.5 million Australians suffering from chronic pain.

I’m living proof that a good discussion with your GP about an approach to chronic pain that can include medicinal cannabis has the potential to be life changing, but I’m also aware that research and evidence are going to be the key to changing minds.

The community is eager for evidence, and that’s why I was inspired to join a sports science start-up that is focused on conducting clinical trials to research its benefits for both managing chronic pain and as a potential alternative for more common medications.

I have got back to doing what I have loved doing, which is exercise, being mobile, being active and living a healthier, happier life.

I realise medicinal cannabis is not a silver bullet or a magic remedy, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle also plays a role in helping to keep my body free of aches and pains. Chronic pain can also affect our mental health. If you wake up at a four out of 10 on the pain scale literally every day, honestly it can get you down.

One in five Australians over the age of 45 suffer from chronic pain. I am just one of them. I’m now in a position to work with research institutions through clinical trials to advance pharmaceutical expertise and understanding of the positive benefits of medicinal cannabis for treating not only chronic pain, but a range of conditions that have shown positive responses to medicinal cannabis treatments.

I like to be at the start of something. I believe medicinal cannabis is an industry with a huge amount of potential.

Part of my role is an educative one because the more we learn, the more confidence the medical industry will have in exploring these pathways. 

ED: Jenn Morris is a board member of sports science start-up Levin Health, one of several companies researching the use of medicinal cannabis to treat chronic pain.